Sunday, February 26, 2012

Being a McNamee

We got our fingerprint appointment cards in the mail today!  This is just a notification that the US Dept of Homeland Security is ready to have us come down and get our prints so they can finish approving us to bring a child into the country.  I am stoked as I didn't expect to hear from them about this for another week or so.  Excited as I am, though, I am kind of freaking out a little, too!  Lately life has been busy (more like insanely busy) and we have had to put our dossier paperwork on hold while we did other things (work, church, family, etc).  But now that Homeland Security is ready for us, I realize we have got to get our acts together and finish our dossier stuff!  Yikes!  So it's back to work on that!

One of the items we have to send to China with our dossier paperwork is a series of six photos depicting our family life and what it's like to be a McNamee. I have been having a hard time selecting just the right photos...most of the photos of our family involve opening presents, eating, and napping. Haha! I guess that would be an accurate depiction...but I would kind of like to show a little more than just that. After a lot of agonizing, I think I have found five that represent us fairly well. Here they are:

Caolon napping with Kisa in our living room.
I like this one because it shows a little bit of our house and the dog.
Me working on the Halloween costume I made for Belle.
(when I say "I made" what I mean is "my mom-in-law made and let me take credit for,"
but I think this pic shows that I'm crafty)

Caolon kayaking, which is probably our biggest summertime hobby.

Us at Disney.  Vacations to WDW are, of course, a critical component of our family life.

Us on our friend's sail boat.  Caolon loves any/all water activities, but we can't send images of us in swimsuits. 
I guess the Chinese officials don't really want to see too much of us!

I'm debating on replacing this last picture with something else - maybe a wintertime photo - like us skiing maybe? 

Then we still need one more picture.  I was thinking us outside of our house.  We are supposed to show our house and home life, so I think we need to just stage a picture of us out there to get that in.  Maybe we can get a friend to come out in this wind and snap a quick photo. :)

Well, that's the update for now.  Wish I had more frequent updates, but I'm quickly finding out that adoption is lot of hurry up and wait.  And wait.  And wait... 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Love these pictures! Your house looks super cute! I agree that a picture outside of your house or in the mountains would be a good addition! :) How exciting!
